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Deepak Kumar Tiwari Posted on 04/02/2021

Hi Sir,


My client is asking to write test cases using SCDF , uses of consul , run job in SCDF using docker or kubernets. Do we have any information ,video

about SCDF. 

Yogesh Chawla Replied on 05/02/2021

We will soon come up with Docker and Kubernetes training.

Read this:

Anyone using Docker should know that Docker comes in a couple of different editions.

There's the Community Edition, known as CE, which contains the Docker container engine along with basic orchestration, networking, and security.

Then there's the paid commercial edition known as Docker EE, or Enterprise Edition.

On top of the CE feature set, Docker EE adds certified infrastructure, plugins, imagine management, which is the Docker Trusted Registry, or DTR, container application management, which is the Docker Universal Control Plane, or UCP, and Docker's secure image scanning.

One way of helping you to decide which version of Docker to select is to think about, where are you running your containers? If you're running containers on your desktop, say you have a Mac or a Windows laptop or a desktop computer, you'd want to choose the Docker Desktop Edition, which actually includes Docker CE.

It's completely free and community support is available.


Now let's talk about Kubernetes, the most popular open-source container orchestrator available today.

The adoption of Docker has really taken off in the last few years.

Per the 2017 Docker survey by Datadog, Docker adoption was up 40% in Datadog's very large customer base.

Additionally, the 2017 Docker Usage Report, conducted by Sysdig, stated that the median number of containers running on a single host is about 10.

All this data begs an important question.

How do you manage all these running containers on a single host, and more importantly, across your whole infrastructure? This is where the idea of container orchestrators come in.

Container orchestration solves the problem of deploying multiple containers either by themselves or as a part of an application across many hosts.

From a high level some of the features required are the ability to provision hosts, start containers in a host, be able to restart failing containers, have the ability to link containers together so that they can communicate with their peers, expose required containers as services to the world outside the cluster, and scaling the cluster up or down.

There are a few solutions in the container orchestrations base, and we'll cover more of these later on.

Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and operation of containers.

The real goal of the platform is to foster an ecosystem of components and tools that relieve the burden of running applications in public and private clouds.

Kubernetes, often called K8S or Hubernetes, is an open-source platform that started at Google.

Internally, all of the Google infrastructure relies on containers and generates more than two billion container deployments a week, all powered by an internal platform called Borg.

Borg was the predecessor to Kubernetes and the lessons learned from developing Borg over the years has become the primary building blocks in the development of Kubernetes.

Simply put, using Kubernetes in your infrastructure gives you a platform to schedule and run containers on clusters of your machines, whether it's on bare metal, virtual machines, in a private data center, or in the cloud.

Deepak Kumar Tiwari Replied on 23/02/2021

Thank you