Module 13 Video no 5 is not loading | Spring Boot Hibernate MicroServices and Cloud Forum
Sailee Naik Posted on 02/04/2020


Module 13 video no 5 is not loading, 

Impacting below two items

  • Leveraging bcrypt for hashing and Authorization and Form-based authentication
  • The login page and The logout page

Sailee Naik Replied on 04/04/2020

Yogesh can you please fix this videos ?

Sailee Naik Replied on 04/04/2020

Yogesh can you please fix this videos ?

Yogesh Chawla Replied on 04/04/2020

Sailee, We have created new website data to explain these concepts all over again and those videos will start uploading in max day or two.

We will update you also once these new videos are uploaded.